Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Just one SkunK's Opinion

This 30% estimate is nothing new.  This language has been around since at least 2010.

"Over 30% of the U.S. ethanol industry is using GreenShift’s patented and patent-pending extraction technologies today."

"We have initiated legal action to defend against infringing use of our patented technologies. We estimate that more than 30% of the ethanol industry is infringing on our patented corn oil extraction technologies today."

Both of these Quotes above are from the 3Q 2010 pages 23,24
But you can see below the roots of the language are even deeper.

"Over 20% of the U.S. ethanol industry is using GreenShift's patented and patent-pending extraction technologies today."  This is from the 3Q 2009 page 24.
According to Marc-IV Consulting - 30% of the industry is using corn oil extracting. GreenShift states that they know of no method of COES that does not infringe. GreenShift therefore states 30% of the industry is using GreenShift COES technology. That HAS to include the accused infringers currently under litigation. If not - you have to say they are NOT using our technology. In that case - they are not infringing. So . . . to me: The % licensed + the % infringing under litigation + the % infringing under threat of litigation = +30% Ethanol Industry.



Anonymous said...

Im now with Skunk on this one. They've(GERS) used the phrase before and it included infringing use. Thanks for the info Skunk.

nobody123789 said...

From a legal perspective of "wordsmanship" perhaps, but if experienced GERSers like us required a detailed analysis by the Guru Skunk, what chance did the average Joe have in getting that right? What chance did they have of not assuming that 30% of the industry was now under license? Ollie's statement that 10 of 10 would assume that 30% of the industry was under license answers that question -- none. My point is that it was the 30% figure that caused the run up and the realization that it didn't mean what many thought it meant that has precipitated the sell-off. Curious what today brings.

Anonymous said...

you got ocd or what?

Nebraskabillsfan said...

Dude youa re ignorant. If i ever needhelp manufacturing a problem Ill give ya a call.

Anonymous said...

Hi Skunk, FYI below and a sincere thank you for all your hard work.


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