GreenShift Opposed to Complete Seal
Remember when the judge said to STOP sealing everything? So do I. But then I also remember when the judge said:
"The extent to which the plaintiffs—now faced with the Markman ruling that the de-oiled concentrate stream is one “substantially free of oil”—must further explain the line or range above which the stream is no longer substantially free of oil is either
(a) an issue to be explored on summary judgment;
(b) an issue to be explored through a motion to construe the meaning of “substantially free of oil”; or
(c) an issue for trial.
Further, it appears that the issue of where the line is drawn is one for which expert testimony may be necessary, or at least desirable."

So the judge said 'stop sealing everything' and "substantially free of oil" does not yet have a number attached. IROQUOIS files a motion claiming:
"Both patents disclose that more than 95% of the corn oil . . . is recovered by the centrifuge".
Yet a quick search of the patent shows no reference to 95% of anything. Now IROQUOIS files a motion to seal an entire document rather than redact what is necessary. (GreenShift counter files gently reminding the judge of his previous ruling.)
Is IROQUOIS really not paying attention? Or are they masterfully playing on a 10x10 chess board, while the rest of us are limited to 64 squares? I am sure we will know shortly with the judge's reaction. Gosh, I hope he does not seal his response!
Ya...who in the hell do those guys think they are!
aside from establishing utility, i didnt think the process results were meaningful. they didnt patent corn oil, or substantially corn oil. why is 95% important?
SkunK, not like you to miss the fact that the judge is a woman!
There is more than 1 judge and 1 of them is named larry pretty sure that is a guy
Hey Mr. Intelligent investor man,
Do you know what a comma or a period is?
I agree, I would also suggest capitalizing names.
Thank you for the punctuation and capitalization lesson. Now go back and read your first two posts, and check them for capitalization and punctuation.
Memorial. Day Salute,
I would like to take a moment to thank all the veterans for their courageous and honorable actions in the service they performed to their country. As well as the families whose loved ones made the ultimate sacrifice and paid a debt we can never repay by laying down their life. I won't carry on with a long speech as words do those valiant actions no justice. I just wanted to thank you all! And to all others I encourage you to do the same. I wish you all peace, love, and prosperity. Good day to all!
Some people just love to hear themselves talk -- any platform will do; knowledge of subject irrelevant.
Why do Jim an nobody act an sound like the same poster?
That's why he's jimmbody jimmbody jimmbo has a mouth the size of a hippo. With nothing to say he posts here all day jimmbody jimmbody jimmbo.
Nobody the homeless hobo he has no where to go so; he hopes you don't mind he spends all his time bashing for dave vanderslime.
Jim is not a basher And ur hiding behind an anonymous moniker which makes u a pussy
nobody said he was a basher just a big mouth hippo with nothing to say
For the gentle person who questioned rational on supply and demand, I also offer the following link.
It appears REG after a successful IPO now has increased production and profit. The renewable fuels industry, although hitting a few hiccups along the way is developing into mainstream infrustructure in the United States. There will be a few drop back tens and start anew, but the momentum is there.
Now let us look at fats and oil supply and demand as a whole. There is already an established market for these products, both edible and inedible. Otherwise there would not be decades old companies thriving in the business. There would not be an AOCS, and now an FEW and BBI as well as many other organizations evolving around the biofuels industry.
Companies like Syntroleum/Tyson and Valero/Darling do not throw money at $200+ million into a pigeon hole and wish for offspring. These are well vetted out decisions that take as much as three or more years to decide. The new corn oil available on the market as of the last five years is already spoken for. After these and others illustrate profitability in this arena, others will follow just as how the ethanol business developed.
Think about the fact that within two years time, 235 million gallons of fats and oils have gained demand for only two renewable diesel facilities. Then think about what happened to corn demand and corn prices with the onset of the ethanol industry.
I am A GERS investor. GLTA
When did you open this forum up to pre-schoolers?
see it's comments like that Neil or I mean jimm42
Nice come smoked him!
Dear Anonymous,
Thank you for a well informed post. They have become rare on this blog. I agree that when companies invest large amounts of money, that they have studied the situation ahead of time. I still think that having more resources of fats and oils available will hurt the price that our customers are getting for corn oil, even if only in the short term. I agree also that every dollar spent on fuel in the U.S. is better than sending it over seas. As a suggestion, you may want to consider setting up a google account. It will give your posts more credibility, and separate you from the teenagers that insist on posting as anonymous, and heckle the more serious investors here. GLTU
jimmbody a google account doesn't give you nobody credibility
I've stumbled across something very interesting to say the least. I'm doing some further investigating. But if it is what I think it is this stock could soar as soon as main stream figures this out. I will keep you updated as I find a little more conclusive evidence. If the press doesn't release something first on my discovery.
For all the critics who will read this and have something negative to say, I challenge you if you truly are a greenshift investor dig deep as you will want to know this befor the masses. A little clue to what may possibly be greenshifts biggest news to date. Check websites and make phone calls. I hope to have more for you soon.
This is no pump and the least that could happen by digging is you become better informed befor I release what it is that I think that I know. Also a little clue if I find more conclusive evidence I will be buying about a half mil more shares befor I tell all. And in addition so you know this is no pump I will tell you this it could turn out to be not what I think that it is. If it turns out to be nothing I will be the first to tell you its not what I thought it was. So good luck with the dd.
Also if it is what I think it is it could be extremely difficult to uncover enough evidence to call it so I may just ask a question if I can't find enough conclusive evidence. That way someone with better searching skills than I may be able to find something more conclusive.
You are sounding more and more like Slash every day. Are you Slash? Is this another round of false hope, or faint praise. We need real news, real insights into the reasons for revenue conflicts, we need some reasoned possibility that will lead to end of the toxic debt and ramped up dilution; we need a horizon on the this round of litigation, as well as a revamped corporate structure. Come back when you have any thing real on any of these fronts.
Nobody, why is it when someone talks about something other than debt, dilution and litigation you dismiss it? Are the issues you are concerned about the only things that should be discussed. I find you to be very narrowed minded and condescending. Don't get me wrong, your concerns are important, maybe the most important here, but give it up with the god-like attitude. It's getting old.
My comments are the windshield washers that wipe away the B.S. that is splattering on our GERS' windshield and obscuring our vision of what is going on. The faster the B.S. hits the windshield, the faster the wipers. I am convinced that many of those that bring up other issues, that really are not important, are doing so in order to disguise the problems here -- they are truly the crafty ones employed by some unknown entity for that purpose. You can buy a lot of help for $117 million.
let us know when you have something to add nobody till then you are a BirdS stain on the windshield
A google account allows others to observe multiple posts from the same poster to help determine the seriousness, and accuracy of said poster. As an example there can only be one legitimate moniker for jimmowrey(not to be confused with the hackers that post under that moniker and it shows the moniker in black, instead of blue). On the other hand, Anonymous could be multiple posters, or one poster trying to appear as multiple posters in an attempt to sway readers that there is more than one person posting a specific belief, etc.
On the other hand, multiple google accounts could be one poster trying to appear as multiple posters in an attempt to sway readers that there is more than one person posting a specific belief, etc.
woopie skippy you created multiple google accounts same as anony with no more credibility
There is only one way to determine the accuracy of a post. Do the DD. It is what they say, not who you think says it that matters.
Engaging third graders makes you sound like a third grader.
Slash, for instance has posted his dd and you can take it or leave it. He refuses to engage those who are masters at trying to bait those they disagree with. Or as I call them, the master baiters.
Good point. Notice that Slashnuts uses his google account, not Anonymous. That is how you recognize that his posts are legit, and worthy of following up on his DD. GLTU
Hey TotalTruth,
I'd love to help you on your quest for info. Let's engage off-comments.
email me
two google accounts make the same poster twice as legit? is three thrice as nice?
Let me get this straight. In order to be considered legit you have to have a google account? That is funny, jimmowrey, because to me you are just as anonymous as any other anonymous. I could be standing next to you right now and not even know it unless you had a jimmowrey name badge.
How did you recognize that someone with the moniker Slashnuts provides good DD? If he merely posted as Anonymous, you would not know which Anonymous he was. Although I am certain that someone could establish multiple accounts, there can only be one moniker per account. Therefore, anytime Slashnuts posts, we all know it is Slashnuts, not just any nut.
And when jimbody posts we know its a bowl full of nuts or as one puts it master baiters. Lol I loved that post.
Very confusing trading pattern at end of day. Our usual suspects the 17,000 and 33,000 trades; but listed as BUYS. Another 23,000 trade followed by another 53,000 shares. It sure looks as if the ante for dilution has been increased by another 23,000 shares perhaps an increase as much 76,000 shares over the "standard" 50,000 shares. This will bear close watching over the next days to determine if a pattern is emerging. My bet is that we have seen the last of the 50,000 shares trades to dilution and the ante has increased significantly. Remember, what Total refuses to accept, there are a number of other shares being added to the O/S count beyond what we see in market trades. I do not how this is accomplished but there is a fairly constant multiple of listed trades to actual O/S count. It is getting close to decision time, is the PPS going to 0.0001 again? Incredible if it did.
If you follow me my moniker is "I am a GERS investor GLTA"
anony 235 no he's saying if the same poster makes a google account under jimm and a google account under nobody you get a jimmbody account that's more believable
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