Thursday, February 23, 2012

Great Success!

Unit Holder Letter by Advanced BioEnergy, LLC

"As part of our continued effort to increase the profitability of our assets, we installed corn oil extraction at our Fairmont location which began production in August 2011. This project has been a great success and exceeded our expectations with a quick payback in the first six months of operations."

"Our second installation of corn oil extraction is also well underway at our plant in Aberdeen, South Dakota, with an expected completion date of early April 2012, which will allow us to gain more value from the co-products we produce."




BillV said...

I love how ICM COES you always hear "We're still tweaking the system to optimize results" and with a GERS system you hear "it's outperforming our expectations."

Raddog2003 said...

I also like how everyone who uses GERS COES are paid off within the first 6 months of operations, compared to 2 or more years when using other systems.

nobody123789 said...

We the GERSlanders have to dig and scratch to find information on our company; from new hires to productivity. Much of this information is due to the Skunk's Blog. The handful of us that "know" what is happenning here are left to wonder, are we that smart and everyone else is so dumb for not be sweeping up these cheap shares?

jimmowrey said...

Nobody, A better comparison is that we are informed, and others are un aware. At least at this time.

Anonymous said...

There might be ten (outsiders) people that really follow this stock AND are knowledgable enough to be able to evaluate the information as it comes in. Notice the conjunction.

If we got FANTASTIC news it would still take 24-48 hours to radically affect the stock price.

Have some dry powder handy. If we get some GREAT news you will likely still have time to buy before the market really comes along. You just have to trust your judgement since you will really question why it is taking so long for the market to catch on and the pps to move. I have seen this thing take up to 48 hours to reaspond.

This is not a Dow stock with a thousand traders looking at every trade.

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