Thursday, December 29, 2011

About Half?

Here is an EPM article that talks about a unique situation in Canada involving their swine production and the running cost competition de-oiled corn DDGS have with wheat DDGS.  Yes wheat DDGs!  What I see as important here is that 'half" of the DDGs coming into Canada have gone through a COES process.  It is not scientific poll but we are well into the entire industry moving to COES and corn oil as a co-byproduct.

"With U.S. ethanol plants adding corn oil extraction in increasing numbers, about half the distillers grains coming into Canada is a low corn oil product, . . "



As long as the rising Asian middle class and parts south demand an increasing beef portion in their diet, the American corn ethanol DDGs will not have trouble finding a world wide market.  High protein, reduced fat DDGS also have a huge market in the American Dairy and Beef industry.


Anonymous said...

What does everyone else know that we dont

nobody123789 said...

Hey, that is my question! Any suggested answers? How can this cash cow be selling for a fraction of one quarter's earnings? Makes one a little nervous when the other shoe is going to drop. Or are we strapped into a rocket ship ready to blast off or explode on the pad?

Buzz Aldrin said...

Is this what it feels like to be the first man on the moon?

Neil Armstrong said...

Stay in your seat Buzz, I'll check things out. Buying GERS or going out the hatch first is too much of a risk. Let me do it, I got the right stuff.

Anonymous said...


han solo said...

looks like the courts are wrapping up on the infringements and will a have a decision in january

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