Thursday, December 29, 2011

Aberdeen to Add Corn Oil in 2012

ADVANCED BIOENERGY, LLC 10K Annual Report is just out and we have some good news about adding their Aberdeen Plant to GreenShift's Customer List in 2012!

"In August 2011, we implemented corn oil extraction technology at our Fairmont plant, and intend to implement the technology at our Aberdeen facility in 2012. The corn oil systems are designed to extract non-edible corn oil during the thin stillage evaporation process immediately prior to production of distillers grains. Corn oil is produced by processing evaporated thin stillage through a disk stack style centrifuge. Corn oil has a lower density than the water or solids that make up the syrup. The centrifuges separate the relatively light oil from the heavier components of the syrup, eliminating the need for significant retention time. De-oiled syrup is returned to the process for blending into wet, modified, or dry distillers grains. The corn oil product is primarily marketed as a livestock feed supplement or to the biodiesel market.

Industrial uses for corn oil include feedstock for biodiesel, livestock feed additives, rubber substitutes, rust preventatives, inks, textiles, soaps and insecticides. Our corn oil is primarily sold by truck to biodiesel manufacturers."
"In the sales of corn oil, we compete with other ethanol producers. Many producers are adding corn oil technology to their facilities."

SEE Quotes Above HERE p.10


Here is the recent Video Showing the GreenShift COES System at the ADVANCED BIOENERGY Fairmont plant.  I see we are over 730 views now.


Anonymous said...

Great find!!! Satisfied buyer back for more
how many billions to license 2012?


Seen a 8k form and found this
Additionally, we installed a corn oil extraction system at our plant in Fairmont, Nebraska. The corn oil extraction system installation went smoothly and performance and investment payback have exceeded our initial expectations. We are looking forward to the continued profitability the system will add to our Fairmont operations and ABE overall.


Seen this in 8k form
We are pleased to announce the election of Scott Brittenham as Chairman of the Board of Advanced BioEnergy.
Mr. Brittenham is Chief Executive Officer of Clean Energy Capital. Clean Energy Capital is a private equity firm that owns interest in a number of ethanol refineries throughout the United States.

Did a quick search on CEC found this
He's the CEO of CEC. Wouldn't it be great if the new ABE chairman spreads the word to these plants?

Tom said...

Let me get this straight. GreenShift puts a seperator in. Three months later, the plant manager said: performance and investment payback have exceeded our initial expectations. It'll be paid off in six months. So pleased, they say they'll put it in their other plant.
Icm puts a seperator in, 3 years later it's still not working right. Piss poor yields. Three years later, it's not even close to being paid off.
How the hell is Icm still in business?
Do I got this right?

BillV said...

I just drove past that Fairmont, NE plant on Sunday. Exciting to know they have some GERS in there.

Anonymous said...


Hear that?

It's a knocken on your door Poet! Aberdeens the first license in S Dakota? Nobody wants to license Poets rejected patent so Green Shifts moven in.

Anonymous said...

This should be agreat year for GERS. A few more profitable quarterlies and no more dilusion. And as many have said this may be a rocket. Do the math, boom!

nobody123789 said...

No more "dilusion" about dilution can only occur if there is no more dilution -- here is hoping for that New Year's resolution from KK.

Anonymous said...


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