Saturday, June 4, 2011

MDL Court UpDATE - W/SkunK Update!

Here is the latest update in the Court proceedings.


What words mean is important.  If a lawyer can convince a jury that red is green then that traffic accident where you got T-Boned at a traffic light by a drunk driver takes on a whole new meaning.  Now it was your fault!

This is all about what the words mean in the patent.  Yes, the SkunK would say this is important.

What is my take?  Well again, this is what they will argue about at the super important Markman Hearing.  The judge decides what the words mean so even if this goes to trial - the jury is limited by what the judge decided what the words mean here.  This will keep a good (bad) lawyer from convincing a jury that red is really green.   It looks like GreenShift want the words to mean what they say.  For example GreenShift wants mechanical separation to mean just that - the other side appears to want it to mean use of a centrifuge.  Of course I haven't read the other side's opinion yet but GreenShift's lawyering seems reasonable to me - but then I ain't never been mistaken for ol' Judge Judy.  I cannot give you percentages off the top of my head, but I believe a large amount of settlements occur right after the Marksman hearing - since after the judges ruling on the words - the road ahead becomes clearer to both sides.

P.S. I recently had my computer go down, and with the weather being so nice I finally got around to assembling my new one.  Mrs. SkunK allowed me to share her laptop in the mean time so I was not completely off the radar. . . Let me just say that computers are like bathrooms - you should count the number of women in your house and then add at least one to the total for maximum household serenity and contentment.


REDMAN said...

OK SKUNK SO WHATS YOUR SLANT ON THIS. CAN YOU GIVE US THE BOTTOM LINE. By the way when the revenues go to 12 mil for the Q-2 and 20 mil for Q-3. I'm planning a cruise because I feel we should hit 10-20 cents pshr.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Skunk for giving us your take on the Markman Hearing. Got my heart beating a little faster this morning!

Anonymous said...

Skunk where are we when it comes to the 540 billion shr diluted?

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