Wednesday, October 20, 2010

On the way to a Billion Gallons

COES under new Licensed Contract and estimated Method I COES just this year:

100-110 Global Ethanol
100-110 Marquis Energy
50 United Ethanol
480-520 GreenPlains Mega Deal
50 Center Ethanol
50-60 Corn, LP

This is a total of 830-900mmgy of Ethanol production under contract. (Depending if you count actual production or nameplate - higher number is actual estimate based on recent plant published production numbers) Well on our way to the goal of a billion new gallons for 2010.  A billion gallons of additional ethanol capacity is key since it should provide more than enough revenues to provide profitability for GreenShift.

PS _Here is another newsletter mention HERE
Also HERE 


Anonymous said...

comment on Skunk. Do one of those PPS projection polls. That's the fun stuff. Guessing what's going to happen next.

The Galatian Free Press said...

Wow, it would be a first for GERS, if they actually do manage to hit their milestones!

The Galatian Free Press said...

900 mmgpy * 6% = 54 Million GPY of corn oil sales.

Assuming $1.50 per gallon corn oil price & 20% royalty.

0.20 * 54 Million $1.50 = $16.2 Million per year revenue.

$5.4 Million per year goes to inventor's company.

$10.8 Million per year gross profit.

Assume 10X Multiple = $108 Million Market Value.

less ? $60 Million Debt? = $40 Million.

$40 Million divided by 2 Billion shares = $0.02 per share.

This stock is undervalued, big time!

Slashnuts said...

$$....Profitable In A Matter Of Weeks....$$

Q3 revenues will pop 300% compared to last year's Q3.

Licensed corn oil gallons will surge 1200% in 2010.

The patent office denied Flottweg's tricanter patent, twice, and ICM was denied as well but continued using tricanters.

Both ICM and Flottweg have lost this court battle and GERS will get a HUGE settlement check, just like what TIVO recently won from DISH for infringing their patent...

Think about it, GERS became profitable when GPRE signed up. Since then, Center Ethanol has settled the lawsuit and Corn LP signed a license.(Not to mention Glacial Lakes in S. Dakota is saying it wants a license at two more of it's ethanol plants. In addition, we know GERS is already in talks a number of producers for multiple settlements.

At current prices, each 110 million gallon ethanol plant produces $1.5M a year in pure royaltys/profits for Greenshift. That's $.00075 revenue/profit per share(2 billion). Greenshift has signed up 11 ethanol plants since January, and will sign up several more by the end of the year.
A profit of just $8M a year and this is a $.04 to $.05 stock by giving it a multiple of 10X.

GERS has 16 plant's licensed. Roughly 60 plants are infringing our patents. Every ethanol plant will end up with a Greenshift license and they'll make more money when they license. That's because Greenshift is the true inventor and knows how to really run these machines. ICM, Siemens, etc..slapped together infringing systems with little knowledge of the process, just ask all their customers how those knock-off systems are running. Cardinal Ethanol has a tricanter by ICM and they've had nothing but problems. Marquis Energy had a Siemens that wouldn't work right, until they doubled oil production after they signed with GERS.

Greenshift makes ethanol producers more money, even after their 20% cut. I think we'll see $.005 sooner than you think.

Slashnuts said...

Corn, canola, soy beans are all surging. Commodities are on fire!$!$ Soy oil is currently (SOYBEAN OIL FUTR (USd/lb.) $48.65) Or about $3.75 a gallon. I believe corn oil is $1-$1.25 a gallon less than soy oil.

Anonymous said...

Hey, SkunK, now that it seems we have GERS on the right track, your header says you find undervalued "stocks" so what other blogs are you doing and what other home run stocks can we get in on? I can't find any other references to you or other companies of interest. I will need to spend my GERS profits somewhere!

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