Thursday, October 21, 2010

Green Plains Reports 3Q - Corn Oil Update

"In the past few months, ethanol industry operating margins expanded as ethanol prices increased more than the recent increases in corn prices. As a result, we expect an even stronger fourth quarter. We believe improved ethanol margins combined with a solid harvest quarter from our expanded agribusiness segment and a modest contribution from corn oil extraction should drive a solid finish to 2010," added Becker.
In October 2010, Green Plains began producing corn oil at one of its ethanol plants and expects to begin corn oil production at two other plants later in the fourth quarter. It is anticipated that implementation at all of its ethanol plants will cost approximately $18.0 million in total and will be completed by the end of the second quarter of 2011.


BONUS  Here is a GreenShift article in Ethanol Producer Magazine November 2010 edition


Slashnuts said...

A couple of comments from Todd Becker on the CC. He said the corn oil market is very strong right now. He also talked about the quality of corn this year. He said the fibers in the corn as well as the low moisture weight will allow for higher ethanol yields and higher amounts of DDG. Of coarse higher amounts of DDG will lead to more corn oil. He also mentioned that they're still looking to purchase more ethanol plants which would mean more licenses for Greenshift. Todd thinks he can get Global producing much more then they are now.

Great job on an excellent Q guys. Keep up the good work.

Slashnuts said...

Global is a done deal!

That Was fast!

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