Thursday, September 16, 2010

Golden Grain Reports

Golden Grain and their non-patented corn oil extraction system has been featured in previous blogs HERE and HERE and HERE and HERE.

HERE is their newest report:

The average price we received for our corn oil increased by approximately 36% during our third quarter of 2010 compared to the same period of 2009. Management attributes this increase in corn oil prices with a growing demand for corn oil produced by ethanol plants. Total pounds of corn oil sold during our third quarter of 2010 increased by approximately 32% compared to our third quarter of 2009. Management attributes this increase in corn oil sales with the fact that our corn oil extraction equipment was operational for more of our third quarter of 2010 than during the same period of 2009. We are continuing to fine tune the operation of our corn oil extraction equipment and we anticipate comparable corn oil yields to the third quarter of 2010 in the future. Management anticipates that corn oil prices will stay in the current trading range. p. 19



Anonymous said...

Good find, keep up the great work. We'll all be rewarded, IMO. Just a little more time, we're just about there.

Anonymous said...

Greenshift is the little engine that can't. The pps is at an all time low considering the r/s. News news news and no money in my pocket. Everybody says "oh just wait a little longer" It's been two years and still no money. SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good things come to those who wait.

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