Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Ethanol is preferable to untested wind, solar power

Investments in wind and solar energy are a key part of our nation’s energy strategy, but now is not the time for Congress to stop investing in ethanol in favor of these alternatives.

While wind and solar energy need additional research and technological advances to make them more efficient and affordable, ethanol is a proven technology that has been in use for a century.

Today, 10 percent of almost every gallon of gasoline you pump into your car is ethanol, reducing our daily consumption of foreign oil by hundreds of thousands of barrels.Even though the price of a bushel of corn has been cut in half since the recession began, food prices continue to rise, as do the profits of our leading food producing companies. The real intent by critics of ethanol is to find a scapegoat to protect their profits.

Further, researchers at Iowa State University found the use of ethanol as a gasoline supplement reduces the cost by 40 cents per gallon saving individual Americans hundreds of dollars and the nation billions of dollars each year.

REST of Article Here:


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