Monday, November 17, 2008

What the SkunK Learned today

As we wait for the 3Q the SkunK though he would go over a few things he learned today:

1.When someone takes an entrance ramp onto the freeway, that sign that says "Yield" is apparently just a suggestion.

2. When you pull up to an International Airport departutre area and the sign says don't leave your car - Don't leave your car! Who Knew?

3. Looking for Plant X

If you remember in the 12 September Blog we named all the plants, all the COES (Method I & II) to get us to our 38mmgy contracted corn oil that we have claimed. We found all except for a single? plant. That is we could place 36.5mmgy and we are exactly 1.5mmgy short. So with the 3Qs starting to come out we are still looking for this and other possible signs of Greenshift activity - here is a short update.

Ethanoldude70 spotted this one

"Our construction in process represents payments we made to purchase corn oil extraction equipment that we are installing at our plant as well as various other smaller equipment expenditures that we made during the nine months ended September 30, 2008." p.22

"Due to current conditions in the credit markets, it has been increasingly difficult for businesses to secure financing. We have experienced difficult in securing debt financing for our corn oil extraction equipment project, despite the fact that we have very little outstanding debt." p28

"Our Board approved $3,671,300 for a corn oil extraction system project on July 14, 2008. This project is approximately 20% complete and is expected to be completed in April 2009."
3Q p.22

Here are a couple more GERS candidates - no telling if they are one yet. I see none of the usual contract language. Other competitors in the sale of corn oil extraction equipment include crown iron works and icm. Thanks Ethanoldude70 for the tip.


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