Since there is no news here - and I am into predicting human behavior when it comes to stocks - lets cover the basics of the board reaction to the extension.
This is where the fun begins.
Its all part of the quarterly "sharpening of the teeth" - getting ready for the actual third quarter release.
1. Normally what happens is some say filing the Q with an extension is bad. This will be pointed out as proof something terrible has happened. In truth the extension is basically automatic and a whole lot of companies take advantage of it. GERS has asked for an extension for the 1Q, 2Q and now the 3Q. They also took an extension on the last annual.
2. When that runs out of momentum, what happens next is some say there will be nothing good in the 3Q since the blocked was checked saying no "significant change in results of operations". The truth is that block is always checked. Find me one that is not.
3. Finally what happens is the filing is searched for a misspelling or a typo. This is normally near the end of discussion after they all start to run out of steam over the first two things. I don't see an obvious one this time - but sure they will find something!
Could it be different this time?? LOL, it's a riot. Watch who does it again - not hard to figure out who has a negative, down agenda - and be sure to subtract that agenda from their critique of the 3Q.
If you go to the complete submission text file you can see the SkunK was only 47 minutes off with the submission of the extension request. I said (3:00 PM) 1500 ET - it was 1547 . They must have had trouble with the FAX - (electronic submission) hehe Haaaha - I'll take it.
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