Friday, August 15, 2008

Sitting at the dock on the bay, watching the tide roll away. . .

Well I see again GERS has hit a new low of .0375 on high volume. This stock continues to trade lower on NO news. With NO news, Internet rumors have filled the void, and those anticipating the stock price drop are swirling about like sharks smelling blood in the water. In nature everything - even sharks serve a purpose. The Skunk expects to see continued increasing revenues in the 2Q report. I also expect to see continued moves closer to profitability.

Although we may see a snap up, the Skunk does not expect to see an immediate, significant move to the upside - regardless of the type or amount of good news. We are half way through the 60 day period I projected to be the final correction. This is when I expect to see the all time low, the flushing out of tired investors, the final high volume sell-offs.

Here in a rare Skunk Flashback - this from my 13 July Blog:

"What will trigger the bottom? I now suspect that we may hit bottom after the release of the second quarter filings or perhaps in conjunction with some other unforeseen event. The reason I suspect the second quarter filings may produce the final low is not due so much to the lack of progress, but the failure to meet the high expectations of progress combined with investor fatigue."

If you missed this one or just want to read about the Happy Ending I also project - I saved you having to go to the Skunk Archives:
But Skunk - Why do you give such specific predictions? You could be wrong and you would loss your credibility?

Could be wrong? You must be a new reader! Look - I know you are reading this blog for many different reasons and most of it has to do with keeping up with your investments - and I appreciate that. If I have any credibility with you it is because I say what I honestly think. I will not allow the real chance of being wrong slow me down. Being an investor is about making real decisions and living with the consequences. It is never about saying "buy"and then saying you meant to say "sell" or visa-versa. "Almost" buying or selling (or holding) a stock just doesn't mean anything. Although we all know people in our work places who make a living at it (lol), blaming others for our bad decisions and taking credit for our good ones diminishes us all. If I'm wrong in judging this situation, it will because I made a mistake. On the other hand, if I'm right I'll expect that ticker tape parade through downtown Hooterville that all the boys at the Legion Hall promised.

I also allow the reader to look over my shoulder at my DD - but I do not expect you to come up with the same conclusions I do, nor do I expect to always be right on this or any other stock. The Skunk can only work with what he has. Like everyone else the Skunk has met - He does not know what he does not know. As you should expect, new information released in the 2Q will further refine or modify the Skunks forecasts.

2Q Report

Skunk preferred sites for GERS release SEC watch:



3rd (The slowness of the last YAHOO SEC posts have caused me to drop them as a favorite for now.)

Skunk's TIP OF THE DAY: Read the 2Q report (The whole thing if possible - but at least the executive summary) and decide "what YOU think" before you go to the boards and get told "What you SHOULD think!" Of course if someone tries to convince you what to think of the 2Q report even BEFORE it is released - just tell them "Good Luck"

GERS filed for Extension. They must get it in by next Weds. {Wednesday August 20th Extended deadline for filing a Form 10-Q/10QSB after filing a NT 10-Q (Due 5 calendar days after original filing due date)} Ed - who is always reliable in these matters, posted an Email from Mr. Kreisler saying to expect the report on or before the 19th. The Skunk is gonna guess that it will be after the bell on Monday.

Oh - and here is Otis for you to play in the background as you wait:

Good Luck,

More to come,

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