NorthEast BioDiesel Co., LLC of Greenfield MA declares Greenshift brand NextGen Fuel as the technology provider in their planned new10mmgy yellow grease feedstock Biodiesel plant.
P. 52
Also see ad on pages 36-37 and the NextGen ad listing on page 106.
Central Indiana COES Update

3:14 into this exciting video we have a 90 second interview with Gary Drook, CEO of Central Indiana Ethanol. This is the 3rd Scheduled GERS COES. Both Video and the interview reveal the installed GERS COE System. At 4:44 into the video Mr. Drook gives a 21 July start up date. Great Find Hapitomcat!! Thanks for sharing this DD!! (The video was made on 8 July and posted 6 August)
Here is 2 July BioFuels Digest Article on same:
New Subject
Also rans: Success breeds new competition.
First the headlines say "installs" like it is done already. Then in the article it says "will install" like it might be done this winter. We have all read enough PRs - they cannot fool us! Although they use the word "proprietary" they do not say "Patented" or "Patent pending". When the GERS patents are finalized we can protect those patents by filing suit on anyone using our technologies. We can see some big pockets in the rear view mirror!
24 July 2008
11 July 2008
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