Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The 9 Cent Punch

The Rumble in the Jungle, Can GERS take a punch?

At 32, many people feared for Ali’s health but on an amazing night, he soaked up astonishing punishment on the ropes before launching a stunning counter-attack in the eighth round to floor Foreman. Does GERS have the juice to bounce back?
Here is an informative (Skunk note: Not to insult the reader - but for those unfamiliar with the term "informative" - information can be gleamed in what is said, what is not said, how it is said and the detail or the lack thereof) answer to two questions Skunk posted on the Raging Bull GERS Board and were relayed to Mr Kreisler. The answers were posted back on the board in about an hour. It appears the COES can certainly meet and exceed plate capacity. Hopefully, actual data showing production in our two COES units will be released in our "periodic security and other filings"
----- Original Message -----
From: Kevin Kreisler
Cc: 'Chris Kennedy' ; David Winsness
Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 3:35 PM
1 - Both of our COES and biodiesel technologies are well proven and have been thoroughly reviewed by a great many of our current and pending clients and financial partners.
2 - Our actual corn oil and biodiesel production data will be released in our periodic securities and other filings.
3 - We have well over 30,000 hours of operating history in COES. An early adopter version of COES technology is in production today at Little Sioux in Marcus, Iowa - this COES facility is currently producing more than 1.5MMGY.

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