Monday, March 30, 2020


03/26/2020 173 Entry of appearance for Stephen Underwood as of counsel for Appellants Greenshift Corporation and GS Cleantech Corporation. Service: 03/26/2020 by email. [682050] [16-2231] [Stephen Underwood] [Entered: 03/26/2020 01:54 PM]



thomas w. atkielski said...

That Mr. Underwood. If all that is being said about Greenshift is true coming from our side only of course, then Documents must be presented showing that the defending Co's LIED about a few things! We must prove that they are LIARS, or forget about it? Hit them hard GERS, don't hold back any punches! Liars are despised by Judges, who will act accordingly to make the truth prevail!!!

Anonymous said...

With Greenshift's poor track record at picking attorneys, I can't get excited about this selection.

Anonymous said...

Shame on me for allowing these sheisters to steal my money. It smelled bad for years but I was locked in and surround by lies and deceit. On sale bar and unclean hands were obvious to everyone but GERS. Lost e-mails, bad memories, wrong dates, etc were the tall tell signs they were trying to cover-up.

Anonymous said...

Do not forget, this patent and technology was stolen from Greenshift straight up. For a long time the only defense of the thieves was it was obvious technology that they stole. Only much later did their research and pressure on the industry construct this on sale bar and unclean hands defense.

It like bank robbers getting off because the money they stole from the bank was counterfeit. Then the courts agreed to let the bank robbers off, blamed the banks and forced them to give the robbers real money.

No one looks good here.

thomas w. atkielski said...

Anonymous.. Since I feel I have to hold for a long time, maybe even until it drowns in problems, I saw things that made me feel secure in what I did? Royalties coming in, Patents fairly regularly, a fairly straightforward Ceo in KK, etc., so I plunged in! I expected problems by the Trainload, but this last Lawsuit, with truly inexperienced Lawyers, made this Company unable to cope any further IMO! While the other side knew how to influence the Judges, our Guys never looked in to everything properly, and stupidly attacked the Judge who kept insisting on his point of view! Every judge has seen Lawyers who were "Lawyer Pretenders," and our guys seemed to fit the bill? "Our" Lawyers set the stage for the Federal Appeals Court judges to dislike them right away IMO, and weren't going to allow their impudence and stupidity any more! The first thing the Fed' appeals Judges did was review the initial case, and that seemed to be enough for them? But what is KK to do with no money, exorbitant costs from worthy Lawyers, and a desire to fight back the charges with the guys they hired, who must've been first timers when they accepted no money upfront, and settled for that Schlocky deal that was set up?

Then with no money in their Pockets, the Lawyers certainly were not at their best to do an in-depth research study into every detail of Gers's existence, and use their smarts to get into the dealings of the Defendants, who most certainly were DEVILS at times!! KK had already spent millions of his own money already, and probably would have needed over 25,000,000 to hire decent attorneys, which would have sunk a knockout blow to the head of the defendants if KK had that kind of money? But he didn't so all of us had to suffer? But those Lawyers are still there with another appeal under their sleeves, so maybe the final chapter has not been written yet? But for sure one thing has to happen, beside the many other requisites, is to truly abide by what the judge says along the way and not hold to their own opinions so damn rigidly, especially when they did not research deeply enough to make solid opinions? I would be surprised if any of them won any debates in college the way the acted in our behalf? IMO only....

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