Saturday, August 31, 2013

Small Updates

Agreement to set new deadlines
See Here

and an Un-Seal Order
See Here



nobody123789 said...

In case you haven't heard this yet: the strategy of delay, delay, followed by more delay as the financial blood of GERS' is hemorrhaging and the PPS is perishing, is fully operational and effective. At the same time this blood loss is exacerbated by the revenue demands of extending the litigation to many other fronts, as well as declining revenues from GERS' customers as royalties shrink and contracts need to be renegotiated to keep them licensed. Heck with friends like this who needs enemies to cause a BK filing?

Oh, yes, we have friends who keep fiddling while Rome is burning; but they can go nameless.

Anonymous said...

Nobody, you are obviously well educated in the penny stock world. Are there any other plays you would recommend I consider?

nobody123789 said...

No I am not! I have invested in one other "penny stock, GNBT, because I knew that avian influenza was in Asia before the media did; made a killing (seven+ years ago) and lost most of that here. I do read a lot of material on GERS, and I state my views quite vociferously, especially to counter blind hopes and wishes, I have met with several principals which was helpful; but I am by no means an expert here either.

Anonymous said...

I have to finally agree with Nobody. He is NOT well educated in the penny stock world. His only talent seems to be the ability to post the same dreary messages over and over. At his supposed meeting with KK, he was so fascinated by KK's body language that apparently he didn't listen to anything that was said.

nobody123789 said...

I never said that I met with KK and your recounting of what I have said about the meeting is entirely inaccurate as most dribble here.

Anonymous said...

Nobody 123789,

Actually, you did say that a while back.

Now, for a fact, you are a scum as you just denied meeting the principals. You stated that your wife made the call and has a way of getting in the door. Also, you talked about the body language as well.

You just got caught....BIG TIME!! Fact!!

Glad everyone will see this now. Remember, Bull shitters have the shortest memory!!

nobody123789 said...

All that is correct except your assumption of the list of principals. If you have been doing any reading of the patents you would know that. The scumbags here will do anything to mask the desperate truth that is occurring. The only one caught with their foot in their mouths are those that scream all the falsehoods about GERS' short term prospects. Batten down the hatches folks, if we can make it through the end of the year and not see A BK filing we are going to be very lucky. At this point welcome another R/S, at least then you will still own some common shares.

Anonymous said...

n0b0dy still crying losng money long time not good trader. time to move out of basemint and learn trade.

skunks and slash OWN n0b0dy

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