Friday, March 16, 2012

SkunK Hall of Fame

Slashnuts said...

SIRE Shareholder Meeting Protest
I'm sitting in Treynor, Iowa, right now outside of the
Treynor Community Center.

SIRE of Council Bluffs is holding their annual shareholder meeting inside this building as I type this. I'm here with a few friends passing around information to the farmers/investors of SIRE explaining the patents that SIRE is infringing under the direction of ICM. One gentleman I spoke with wasn't aware of the situation but was receptive to the information I gave him. Another guy heard about it but wasn't sure what to think either way, he was nice though. These are just normal farmers from around the area. I came here today to inform them that ICM is putting their investment at a great risk. To the first gentleman, I pointed out that SIRE has stated in their filings that that basically ICM controls SIRE and may not have SIRE shareholders best interests at heart. I'm debating about going inside the meeating as it just started.

March 16, 2012 1:21 PM

Klassic . . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I've been shareholder in Greenshift for a long time and a lurker for about as long. I can't believe that this post drew no comments. You are inside the "enemy camp" trying to disseminate the truth and no one has a comment??

Well I do. Thank you!

As a stockholder in GS I greatly appreciate you taking the time to attend this meeting and trying to get the truth out. Possibly more important is that you're trying to help the uninformed investors in SIRE. I'm sure they're fine people just trying to make a living like the rest of us but they've been led astray by ICM and DVG. I would venture a guess that, ultimately, they will thank you as well.

SkunK is correct, a definite Hall of Fame move. And if I might add, done with class.

Thanks again.
Mike H.

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