Tuesday, February 21, 2012


$tock alert for today: ** GreenShift Corporation (GERS) expecting BIG gains tomorrow and through the week. Potentially 75% +! GERS.ob closed at $0.11 per share on Friday. GERS is incredibly undervalued!


Is this a signal the Shareholder letter will be released during this short trading week?  If it is to come this week I would expect it today.  More information on this PR service here.  Tomorrow is the start of the National Ethanol Conference.  Another reason news might be released today.


nobody123789 said...

There is another interpretation of the run to .24 a few weeks ago; people thought that the 30% figure meant that a settlement was going to be announced. The settlement would have been the vehicle to bump from 20% to 30% of the industry under license. When that announcement was not forth coming the PPS fell back. Unfortunately I think that this is a more likely explanation. The good Q3, Sunoco signing etc. did nothing to improve the PPS. Therefore, I am not sure that a good shareholder letter or 10K will do much either. My assessment is that the performance of this stock is almost completely related to the litigation issue. Looks like we will have a test of this hypothesis: if the letter and 10K are positive and nothing, or , little happens to the PPS we will know for sure.

Anonymous said...

So what? Who gives a hoot.

nobody123789 said...

Any one trying to determine what is the driver of the PPS? Are you here for any thing else but a nice capital gain?

Anonymous said...

The driver for the PPS is a combination of variables, everybody and her grandma knows that.

It's twice a day 12 o clock.

nobody123789 said...

We have had significant data in the last three months that document that standard movers of the PPS are not in operation for this company, at this time. Mantras, such as yours that ignore these data are non sequitur. What happened after the signing of Sunoco? What happened after the release of the very nice Q3?. What happened after the release of the GPRE 10K which gave us a good insight into what is in the GERS COES pipeline? Nothing, Nada! Ordinarily a stock would respond positively to such good news. Not here, because this is not an ordinary stock -- it is one that has to get the litigation completed before it will behave according to your mantra. The bigger question is why would any one want to ignore identifying such critical information. Answer: a person that believes and is unwilling to accept facts that are contrary to the gospel.

Anonymous said...

Nobody, stop explaining yourself these are the same clowns from ihub trying to bash you. There 1 track minds don't except the facts other than positives!!! No news no letter, no money and made up non sense they spit over There...

jimmowrey said...

Nobody, I agree that the upcoming news will be a good test for PPS movement. Remember that the only positive news from GERS since the R/S was the Century 21 Clip. It is possible that it was the 30% confusion, but it was positive news that ran it to $0.24. It fell like all stock does because nothing else followed up. I think this stock will run on both events, the newsletter and the 10K. It will also fall back again without continued communication. That has more to do with flippers selling it back down.

jimmowrey said...

SkunK, did I notice that you changed your release date prediction from yesterday to today?

Anonymous said...

Same anon.

I agree with everybody.

stock price will do what it does.
Very much thanks for your infinite wisdom.
Here one more; If KK dies today the stockprice will get a good test.
If some ones settles this will have a effect on stock price.
If there is no news stock price can go up or down.
I belief that the main driver for pps is is the development of a number things important to investors.
I belief you should not invest all your money in one stock.
I belief that if GERS loses the stock price will be lower.
I belief that if my uncle was a woman I could not type.

and so forth.

Anonymous said...

how much Icm spent tryen to get leader off the hook? why waste so much if think they win? why did Icm try to stop new patents being added?

Anonymous said...

why the judge added new patents an why he didnt let Ceo off the hook? why didnt Icm want new patents added an why they care if Ceo sued if nothing to worry about.

Anonymous said...

You are all missing the critical point with the pps of GERS. The boat anchor is YAGI. I predict the news is GERS is getting new financing to get YAGI out of the picture.

* said...

jimmowery, I started the blog above on Monday night late and then I posted it right after midnight (12:03am). Originally when I started the blog "tomorrow" was Tuesday but it got actually got posted on Tuesday. When I reread it in the morning over coffee I relized what happened and cleaned up the language to better reflect the intent of my qualifid prediction. Good attention to detail on your part to notice - not on my part in this case.

Anyways no letter on Tuesday! :~)


nobody123789 said...

This was remove from I-Hub this morning, I point this out because the objectivity of the "controllers" of the that board is in the trash can!

"Information for the day:

1) Not today, not this week -- the stockholder newsletter. Same reasons for statement of last week at this time, that was correct.

2) A phrase from the poem Ode on a Distant Prospect of Eton College (1742) by Thomas Gray, comes to mind here. The original line is "Where ignorance is bliss, 'tis folly to be wise." I have attempted to obtain the latest O/S count from GERS management, assuming the veracity of Taddaa's post that the TA would not provide it to him. Don't hang me out here Taddaa, my inquiry is based on that fact. If I receive a response, for those of you that wish to remain in your blissful state I will post the response on RB.

Good day, and good hunting."

Anonymous said...

It is all about YAGI! And YAGI will be going away within two months.

nobody123789 said...

YAGI, elimination thereof, IS very important. Is this a hunch, another belief, or do you have any real data on this subject to share? Is GERS going to pay off the loan, find conventional financing that doesn't raise the specter of dilution? How, what, please?

Anonymous said...

Removed for good reason I see. It's called terms of service for a reason. If you can't play by the rules, you'll sit in the time out box. Now put your dunce cap on and read the Tos.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I cannot divulge information on YAGI going away, but it is in the best interest of GERS. No dilution, no back-shift. I suggest KK is no longer in control of GERS, but only a figure head. There may be a new management structure. Look at the board of directors and decide on your own who is in control of the company on-going operations. YAGI has been the boat anchor of GERS since conception and it only makes sense to eliminate YAGI as a partner with quarterly profits in the positive arena and a future to behold. There is now money being profitted to lure a secure debtor that is friendly.

Anonymous said...

Is the ask 13 0r 16?

jimmowrey said...

The ask is actually at .12. Anytime you look at level 2 or any other format after hours, it will be inaccurate. on ihub you can look at trades by clicking on Data Tools, and then trades, then you can look at trades for the entire day. It has a 15 minute delay if you are watching it during trading hours.

Anonymous said...

12s sold out, and not many 13s left.

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