One of the things I like to do for kicks, is save the GreenShift PDF Quarterly reports as Microsoft word documents. Then after opening the older document, (2Q in this case) run the merge function with the newer document. (3Q) All of the changes between the two quarters are then highlighted in red. Of course all the numbers change - so that really does not interest me at this point - I already know that. I also try to look past the normal grammar housekeeping and see if anything significant has been slid in. Public companies have the duty to inform the public - but they do not have to circle new information in red if they are not ready to promote a new project beyond the necessary first customers. They can simply hide it in plain sight. Is that what we have here? You decide:
"In addition, future results may be improved by the impact of event-driven systems integration* contracts as we have recently experienced a significant increase in interest for our engineering and other services in connection with the design, construction, integration and modification of corn oil extraction systems and other new systems for new existing and prospective new licensees." 3Q p.27 . . . vs . . . 2Q p.25.
The underlined portion is what is new in the 3Q. The cross outs are what was in the 2Q but not the 3Q. The rest was in both. So what is ". . . other new systems" and why add it in the 3Q??? The "new systems" have to be something other than "corn oil extraction systems" because the need was felt to include the new language in the last quarterly! Therefore I do not believe it is Method I or Method II - which are both corn oil extraction methods already covered in the old language.
This is where it gets fun: "other new systems" Pure Speculation - but built on reasoning. Integral Refining (BioDiesel Plant with multiple co-products?) is my first guess since it is commercially available and is next on the list of our technologies in the last 10K. It might also be a process for Distillers Dried Solubles - it refines defatted syrup into new high value co-product - and was listed in Pilot Stage in the last 10K. Could it be ready for commercial production? Perhaps this will be answered in the shareholder letter? Or will any announcement await a successful performance? I have a brief outline (of my idea) of Intregral Refining below:
1. Co-located BioDiesel Plant/Integral Refining
GreenShift has the engineering, construction, management experience - and the patents to build continuous flow modular 5 and 10mmgy biodiesel plants adjacent to Ethanol plants. Since this is commercialized technology - ready for prime time - this would be my first guess. On the recent GreenShift video it is explained that the corn oil produced could be used to fuel the hundreds of trucks that supply the Ethanol Plant. With an Integral Refining facility that could literally make that happen. The Ethanol facility would capture not only the value of the corn oil, but also the value added as it is converted from corn oil to Biodiesel in a true multi-fuel refinery.

Located near a major road or traffic? Who will be the first facility to also integrate this multi-fuel refinery and an Ethanol AND Biodiesel retail outlet adjacent to their facility and capture the retail sale as well? How about a blender pump or two? All of those transportation costs NOT spent transporting feedstock and fuel - could be added to the Bio-Refinery's bottom line. Just like corn oil extraction - it may take a cowboy or two to cut a new trail through the brush before the herd takes notice of the green grass ahead.
Did he just say that???

Go back and listen to the video between 1:50 and 2:05 and hear Tony Beam, the Plant Manager of Advanced BioEnergy state:
"This corn oil extraction process now . . . gives us the ability to produce another fuel at this facility - of BioDiesel. We will produce 8 trucks a week . . . "
Did he just say that???

Go back and listen to the video between 1:50 and 2:05 and hear Tony Beam, the Plant Manager of Advanced BioEnergy state:
"This corn oil extraction process now . . . gives us the ability to produce another fuel at this facility - of BioDiesel. We will produce 8 trucks a week . . . "
Below is a list of technology, in order, from the last 10K
Method I Corn Oil Extraction
Extraction of corn oil from distillers grain – thin stillage
Commercially Available
Method II Corn Oil Extraction
Extraction of corn oil from distillers grain – whole stillage
Commercially Available
Integral Refining
Integrated refining upgrade for corn oil extraction systems
Commercially Available
Distillers Dried Solubles
Refines defatted syrup into new high value co-product
Pilot Stage
Method III Cellulosic Oil™
Oleaginous microbes convert biomass into lipids and protein
Bench Stage
Energy & Water Recovery
Energy recovery and water removal during evaporation
Bench Stage
Protein Recovery
Fractionates DDG into high and low protein products
Bench Stage
*The "event-driven systems" listed above in the 3Q quote may be software applications lingo? Event driven systems—applications and infrastructure built with event driven architecture. Since GreenShift has designed software to monitor and control the corn oil extraction systems, perhaps they are finding and solving other needs. Key people have computer talents. Any help from all you programmers?
WASTED! Small quote from the 2010 10K
"The average prices of corn oil and distillers grain from 2005 to 2010 were about $0.22 and $0.06 per pound, respectively. At those prices, we estimate that the market value of the unrecovered oil that was sold with distillers grain between 2005 and 2010 was about $4.9 billion."
This gets better?. Royalty for corn oil process new royalty for bio diesel and royalty for blend pump? Getten paid 3 times from same gallon!.
That gets my blood flowing after reading that. You think Sunoco or Gpres gonna make bio?
Yup Its plain as day to me now Skunk. Your right. They must be talking about bio patents process. Heres a clip from the release.
Advanced BioEnergy will also have access to GreenShift’s portfolio of proprietary technologies to support Advanced BioEnergy’s efforts to further enhance by-product revenues beyond corn oil extraction.
We look forward to the additional income this system will generate for our business, and evaluating GreenShift’s additional technologies to take advantage of additional opportunities to enhance our bottom line.”
{to produce another fuel at this facility - of BioDiesel}
What's "to further enhance by-product revenues" mean
The video clearly mentioned biodiesel and that could be it BUT they did say "technologies" and "opportunities" plural is more then one.
Method 2
Integral Refining
Distillers Dried Solubles
or a combination of the above
Man, if 60% of capcity will be extracting by summer that's 8 billion. Even if half are still infringing ,I doubt they will be but still Gers will bank $65 to $70milio BY SUMMER! This investment keeps getting better and better
If they do settle $130 to 140 million just imagine prices going up with Iran oil spikes an all.
It just keeps getting better and better. Exciting stuff. Ollie
Does anyone know what the biodiesel plants costs. It's a royalty stream or one time sale?
NOt sure maybe skunk can answer
I would imagine it is royalty based, but at this point there is no way of telling since GERS hasn't made anything public pertaining to their Distillers Dried Solubles, other than that it is in their technology portfolio.
Yet the price continues to drop...
Yet the price popped 140% this month...
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