Thursday, October 20, 2011

Seven Day Extension

Pursuant to the Court's Order of September 30, 2011, the parties have exchanged written proposed amendments to the discovery plan, including Phase II dates. It appears that the parties are somewhat close on several of the proposed dates. Consequently, CleanTech requests an extension of an additional seven days to file the proposed amended Case Management Schedule to allow the parties additional time to try and narrow the issues regarding dates.




nobody123789 said...

Certainly sounds as if all sides expect to litigate this to the bitter end. Considering the amount of money already spent on legal fees and the amounts that are at risk this is not a surprising outcome. Unfortunately for the common share holder this likely pushes the horizon for closure off even further.

Anonymous said...

i BET the defendents spent a whole heck of a lot more...and theyre still losing..past damages higher every day it drags on..better for us..

Anonymous said...

fascinating. thanks Skunk.

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