Friday, October 21, 2011

Platinum Litigation

It appears GreenShift was sued in April this year by Platinum Ethanol and Fagen.  I cannot find the original complaint since it was filed in a local county court (Yellow Medicine County) and the case was transfered up to Minnesota District Court at GreenShift's request.  I have found GreenShift's answer to the complaint filed in higher court while I stumbled around Pacer.  GreenShift's answer gives an idea of the original complaint.  It appears there was (still is) confusion if Platinum has a GreenShift COES license?

"Defendants have not provided a license for the use of GS CleanTech’s patented processes at Platinum."

". . . Platinum is potentially exposed to patent infringement claims relating to patents owned by GS CleanTech."

"Plaintiffs’ claims are barred because no agreement was ever executed and Plaintiffs were at all times aware that a final, executed agreement was required before a contract could be formed or entered into by the parties."


I will try to work this as I can but maybe someone can help find the original complaint - or the status of the GreenShift - Platinum Ethanol COES connection. 


Anonymous said...

It appears now Fagan is teaming up with ICM to protect its value in corn oil extraction at facilities it owns or has ownership in. There is very much money at stake here and many are trying to steel the pie.

nobody123789 said...

I couldn't find any mention of this litigation in the Q2 filing. Did I miss it? Did GERS not report it? If not why not?

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