Monday, July 25, 2011

Recent Notice of Allowance (+Roll)

I have been watching this recent of Notice of Allowance for the 4th patent for some time.  It was withdrawn after it had a previous notice of allowance so that it could be looked at with the additional information thrown at it by those who are trying to contest it.  It was reissued after those things were studied.  If GreenShift were not to keep resubmitting it, then I imagine the accused infringers would claim "If they had only been aware of this - those patents would not have been granted~!!"  Hopefully we are getting near the end of these resubmissions  . . .

Look here and get a load of these submissions.  With contesters apparently running low on ammo,  the patent office is tasked with having to go back over a hundred years - (twice) - even checking out an old DeLaval 1880s patent to try and find that the GreenShift patents are obvious. 
(SkunK gets on a Roll)
Patents from four different countries were also reviewed, with a German Westfalia patent from '97, and other patents from Great Britian, France and Japan.  Even a list of patent "applications".  WOW, I find that fascinating indeed. 

You would have thought that if this new technology that is rocking the industry was just "so obvious" before the GreenShift patents, someone would have taken the time to build a corn oil extraction system, or even write down the idea  . . . somewhere . . . oh wait . . . here is a 61 page thesis written by Harriet Winfield, "The Oil of Maize", published in 1899 and found in a dusty corner of the University of Wisconsin Library.  Maybe SHE wrote down the idea of how to extract oil successfully from the modern Ethanol Fleet and made these GreenShift patents obvious????  No, much to the surprise of everyone, the patent office has now officially declared she did not.  (see last entry, page three)

Those who are fighting the patents must be gonna run out of things to throw at the wall soon.



Anonymous said...

Fantastic blog skunk!

manofathousandfaces said...

What happened to the Markman hearing?

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