Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Idea?

Here is a "new" idea.  Lets put a modular biodiesel plant right at the ethanol refinery.  They can refine their extracted corn oil (and that of nearby plants) and sell it locally.

Here is an article with that "new" idea dated 17 July 2011
Diversifying The Ethanol Industry With Biodiesel
"A new option for the ethanol industry to diversify is to add a biodiesel plant to the end of its corn oil extraction technology."
I am not saying that this is not a good idea.  It is.  But it is hardly new.  Here is an article (From before the credit crunch) - nearly four years ago - that shows GreenShift's plan to do exactly the same thing.  SEE HERE  This was going to be the western demo. 

They also had  plans for an east coast setup at the Fulton NY ethanol plant (now Sunoco).  That Ethanol plant with the original ownership went through bankruptcy due to construction issues.

If you wonder why GreenShift has patents covering continuous biodiesel production and a patent pending covering fuel mixing at the pump - this is why. Although the economy and survival and patent infringement litigation has forced a singular focus on COES - GreenShift from the start has seen their role as a total strategic solution.  Not just corn oil extraction, but an increasingly energy self-sufficient corn belt. 



Anonymous said...

GERS dumped 1b shares so far today.
What are they going to do with their printing scam machine?
Is R/S coming soon?

nobody123789 said...

[b]20% of the 5.6 billion outstanding shares changed hands in 20 minutes![/b] I would hope that GERS puts out a letter to the common share holders. This was not an innocuous blip. Twenty friggin percent! If they know anything we need to also hear it. Perhaps Skunk or Slash would be willing to try investor relations on our behalf, they may have better luck. Mine has been almost zero.

Anonymous said...


Any news on Greenshifts algae bioreactor? I have seen this on their website for years, but never hear anything about it...


Anonymous said...

A billion shares today and strong. Most of the day at 2

Anonymous said...

Here is a good video. Greenshift has put everything into the COES. Soon as we get a settlement we will see more of the advanced technologies. They just do not have enough money for everything at once. COES are cash cows and they have just have to beat back the wolves for now.


Nature Girl said...

Reverse split. Are you kidding me? When is that suppossed to happen? Is this really true?

AverageDude said...

I am also curious as to the reasoning behind 1billion shares traded.

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