Tuesday, June 28, 2011

GERS Market Mover

see here



Slashnuts said...

Here's a great article from late last year. Sunoco went through an extensive process to evaluate COES technologies. This article has some great pictures of our newest customer and mentions how they were looking for a corn oil system in November. Sunoco went with the best system available, and the only legal one. I believe the construction of these two new COES will boost Greenshift's revenues by roughly $4 million. The average price, to the best of my knowledge, is $2 million per system. This will most likely be in Q3 earnings. Calgren also hired GERS to build and replace their ICM Tricanter, and I expect those additional revenues to be in Q2's report. Greenshift was hired to replace the centrifuge for method I. I have no idea what GERS will make from the method II system at Calgren.

"The plant is looking to extract non-edible corn oil from the ethanol process that could be used to make biodiesel fuel."

Sunoco Supplies NASCAR


Sunoco Offers Biodiesel At NJ Turnpike...


Biodiesel Law Signed In Iowa

The law creates a system that encourages availability of biodiesel at the pump, provides an incentive for local production, and invests in the infrastructure needed for wide distribution.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Slash. As well as the income GERS will earn from the installation, there is also the cash flow impact. Arguably favourable cash flow terms will be as, or more important, at the moment than the amount of revenue. All the time that revenue increases there is a lag to receipt of cash. Hence revenues will not necessarily drive debt pay-down in the short term. This will keep pressure on dilution in the share price. Any lump sum payments, such as up front deposits on iinstallation, in the meantime will help tremendously.

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