Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Shareholder Letter, First Installment

I see many interesting and POSITIVE things in the Shareholder Letter, but right off the bat I have to say I am fascinated by the change in "Address of principal executive offices".  (Thanks for the great detail snag by Nobody12378) As you can see in the filing it is NOT the One Penn Plaza Address (see 1st picture) we are familiar with.  Instead it is the Technology Office some 30+ miles outside Atlanta.   

  From the Annual Report:
GreenShift’s corporate headquarters is located in New York, New York. The New York lease is a five year lease terminating in June 2011. The monthly lease payment is $8,800. The Company maintains its engineering and manufacturing services in Alpharetta, Georgia. The Alpharetta lease is a three year term terminating in February 2011. The monthly lease payment is $1,480.  (Annual Report page 18)
As you can see the Alpharetta Address is in a shared building, light industrial butted up against residential housing and nestled away in a wooded area.  (see second picture)  The entrance is not so imposing (see third picture).   The savings in overhead is of course significant, however the change in focus that this presents to the Corn Belt Midwest Customer is much more important.  Remember the old salsa commercial when the cowboys find out the other salsa was made in "New York City!!" (Click Here) You can decide for yourself why that commercial was so successful, but one cannot deny that it was. From yesterday's Shareholder Letter"

"We will stay lean but we plan to hire additional technical services support staff in the Mid-West to ensure that our clients receive rapid support as our business continues to grow."

Will the Cooperate HQ be moved to a Midwest location?  Maybe also serve as a service center?  The SkunK is all aboard for that!   

More to come, got to run!

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