Thursday, May 6, 2010

What Next?

The first shoe dropped in a huge wave of litigation on Monday.  No annoucement from the Company.  Why?  Is something else even bigger on the way or is there another wave to come?  What has the SkunK feeling all tingly?  Is it a rash?  Will the second shoe drop today or next week?  Why the huge up volume at the open today?  Its all got me feeling a bit reflective this morning . . .

Pacific Poet Haiku 

the litigation
might be all? but I doubt it
SILENCE thunders loud



Anonymous said...

I feel it too, Sensei.

The Galatian Free Press said...

Unfortunately, what you are feeling is the pressure from the gusher of new shares hitting the market. If you think the BP oil spill is bad, the GreenShift "share spill" is worse. It is a toxic pollution of the capital markets worse than the Valdez and the BP spill put together.

If spilling oil comes with a $10 Billion federal penalty, spilling shares like this should also be a federal crime.

The Galatian Free Press said...

I am far more damaged, personally, by this share spill than by either the Valdez or the BP oil spills.

The Galatian Free Press said...

And, it is taking GreenShift a heck of a lot longer to stock this share leak than it will take for BP to stop its oil spill.

The Galatian Free Press said...

a heck of a lot longer to "stop" the share leak.

The Galatian Free Press said...

The long, flat sub-penny stock price chart for GreenShift is like the BP oil slick. It just keeps getting bigger and bigger and doing more and more damage.

Investors in GERS are like the helpless birds on the shores of Louisiana .... DOOMED.

These shares are polluting the capital markets just as badly as the BP oil is polluting the Gulf of Mexico.

The Galatian Free Press said...

They say that Prince William sound has still not recovered from the Valdez spill.

My portfolio may take equally long to recover from this share spill.

The Galatian Free Press said...

It really is like a major oil spill. The damage to equity investors is large and pretty much irreparable ... at least in our lifetimes.

Anonymous said...

I agree skunk...all of these doubters knew when they bought this stock it was a sub-penny stock and there was a huge OS share issue. I think something big is this way coming. Although the pps has hit .0001 lately, the big volume has stayed at .0002. The big share move today was for over 500,000,000 shares at .0002....somebody knows something! This is not a case of shares being dumped on the market BUT a case of someone picking up a huge amount of shares because they know/feel something good is about to happen. Best of luck to all!

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