Well SkunK - How about some evidence?
I know, a few investors would prefer to stay in bed when their neighbor wakes them up shouting that the house is on fire. I can hear 'em say, "I'll wait for the firemen to show up - when the pros are here I'll know its a real fire." If you're the type that only listens to the 'experts' - lets take a look at what they are saying - and more importantly - what the ethanol industry pros are doing!
GreenShift was awarded its '858 patent at noon on 13 October 2009. TWO minutes later - at 12:02 PM Westfelia amended its complaint to include non-infringement and invalidity. When you got that kind of focus - you know the GreenShift COES are a big deal.
(PDF p. 7 at this link- this is GreenShifts newest filing in the ICM case)
Internet users
The Skunk had a blog last January - telling you a little bit about yourselves - the reader. http://greenshift-gers.blogspot.com/2009/01/skunk-gers-world-tour.html
Well - I want to show you where we are now - and at the same time show you what the Ethanol Producer professionals are doing. And a bunch seem to be reading this Blog!
This is where we are today:
Notice the HUGE uptake in general interest at the first White Arrow! This is the day the GreenShift COES patents were issued! As the second right arrow shows - Interest has continued to grow. The regular low points are generally Sunday - the day few people are at the office. But what the SkunK finds really interesting is "Who" may be coming to the blog. Lets start with the fifty biggest visitor cities in the last 30 days.
http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_ch8gAs4lCcYWQzZjZhNjgtZmY5ZS00ZGNhLTg3YjgtMjdiOGRkM2JhNmVm&hl=en http://docs.google.com/leaf?id=0B_ch8gAs4lCcYmQzNDg0MmMtYWM1NC00NDA3LTk4MGEtYjQwY2FlMzQ4Y2Zi&hl=en
I wonder how many of these smaller cities are Ethanol Industry towns?
In the meantime, here are how the states rank -
Top 15 States:
Next 16-33 states:
Also ran:
More later,
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