"FASOM estimates that an additional 2 million tons of soybean oil is used to produce soybean biodiesel in 2022, relative to the AEO2007 Reference Case. In addition, FASOM projects that an additional 17.5 million tons of non-food grade corn oil from the extraction process will be used for biodiesel production in 2022." p 892
[FASOM = Forestry and Agricultural Sector Optimization Model (USDA).]
17.5Million tons x 2,000# = 35Billion pounds
35B /7.6# = 4,605,263,157 gallons/year of corn oil
Now after further research, the SkunK also found this at the same link:
"Since it offers another stream of revenue from the corn flowing into ethanol plants, we assumed approximately 70 percent of projected total ethanol production will implement some type of corn oil extraction system by 2022, generating approximately 680 million gallons per year of corn oil biofuel feedstock." p.56
In an abundance of caution, lets go with 680M gallons - the lower number. Now most people think that the price of fuel will rise over time. However lets be conservative and just use the $1.75/gallon for corn oil valid today and leave out any inflation and energy value increases.
680M gallons x $1.75/gallons x 20% royalties = $238M net income
That is a revenue model (that in a dozen years and if these simple assumptions are met) will be generating nearly a quarter Billion dollars A YEAR for GreenShift. So who will GreenShift replace on the DOW?!? lol. I remember the first time I used a BILLION on this blog. Some nearly came unhinged. These are now based on Government EPA/USDA numbers. Sorry guys but I rechecked my math and the decimal points now all seem in the right place.
(net income)/(TotalOS) = diluted EPS
$238M / 5B = .0476
(PE) X (Diluted EPS) = (PPS)
25 X $.0476 = $1.19 pps
Even if we grow to half our today's max 10B OS - That is .0476 a share in diluted earnings per share. With a higher range estimate of our present OS at 5B and at a PE ratio of 25 that gives us a non-inflationary adjusted estimate of $1.19 cents a share.
With a market cap of nearly 6B, a likely tightening of the OS will happen along the way to generate a NYSE/NASDAQ price/share of over $5. With a market cap that large, a 200M share float would support a $29.75 pps. These are Sci-Fi numbers! Sure, you can argue whether you think all the assumptions will come true, but somebody show me where my numbers are wrong.
Believe me, there are a bunch of people also doing the industry math here. This is not a little
thing. This is not going away.
Do you see the small stone near the top, in the middle on the temple gate? (myoujin torii 明神鳥居). That is the "gakuzuka" or "GERS stone" between both the Ethanol and BioDiesel Industry. It takes GERS COES to make the Ethanol Industry compliant with the 20% standard. It takes those same COES to produce enough feedstock to achieve the mandates for the BioDiesel Industry.
Once in place, everything leans on this GERS Stone and it holds the whole thing together. . . for a long time. . .
1. 2000# = 1 ton
2. 7.6# = 1 gallon of corn oil
3. GERS patents are air tight
4. EPA/RFS2 lowest corn oil estimate is correct for 2022.
5. 20% Royalties are enforced on all corn oil extracted
6. P/E ratio of 25 (Thats double todays Dow stock's P/E ave of about 12-13)
7. Float of 5B shares of a present 10B max)
8. $1.75/gallon of corn oil
a. Gate Parts in English
Believe me, there are a bunch of people also doing the industry math here. This is not a little
Do you see the small stone near the top, in the middle on the temple gate? (myoujin torii 明神鳥居). That is the "gakuzuka" or "GERS stone" between both the Ethanol and BioDiesel Industry. It takes GERS COES to make the Ethanol Industry compliant with the 20% standard. It takes those same COES to produce enough feedstock to achieve the mandates for the BioDiesel Industry.
Once in place, everything leans on this GERS Stone and it holds the whole thing together. . . for a long time. . .
1. 2000# = 1 ton
2. 7.6# = 1 gallon of corn oil
3. GERS patents are air tight
4. EPA/RFS2 lowest corn oil estimate is correct for 2022.
5. 20% Royalties are enforced on all corn oil extracted
6. P/E ratio of 25 (Thats double todays Dow stock's P/E ave of about 12-13)
7. Float of 5B shares of a present 10B max)
8. $1.75/gallon of corn oil
a. Gate Parts in English
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