Monday, October 26, 2009

Profit From The Coming Algae Oil Boom

Here is an article you might find interesting:

Potential Algae Penny Plays
Of course, ExxonMobils new partnership does not mean we will be filling our tanks with pond scum biodiesel just yet. Developers will still need to tackle genetic engineering and oil extraction issuesBut ExxonMobils leap into the algae oil market effectively legitimizes the industry. But as you probably have already guessed, the budding algae oil industry offers very few public companies in which you can invest. However, there are a few compelling names youve probably never heard ofHere are three algae penny plays you might want to watch. All of these stocks have a market cap under $2 million, a share price under 10 cents, and can be found on the Pink Sheets and Over-the-Counter Bulletin Board:
GreenShift Corporation (OTC: GERS)
Nanoforce Inc. (PINK: NNFC)
PetroSun Inc. (PINK: PSUD)

Several private startups and partnerships are worth watching, too
Weve mentioned Sapphire Energy before. Its scored more than $100 million in private financing including a chunk from Cascade Investment, a holding company owned by Bill Gates.Then theres Algenol Biofuels. This company has partnered with Dow Chemical on a project that would use algae as a vehicle to harvest CO2 for ethanol.

Rest of Article Here:


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