Monday, July 6, 2009

What if??

The SkunK doesn't spend much time on this blog talking about Global Warming or Peak Oil Theory. But this next story was just too much to pass up. This is the first time I have seen someone who says both are real - but don't worry - one will fix the other. Regardless where you stand on either issue, you have to appreciate the self-regulating symmetry.
Or to use a SkunK-a-thong* Analogy: King Kong invaded your city. But don't worry 'cause a huge fire breathing dragon - Godzilla - will "take care" of him. Hey I saw that movie - Don't a lot of little people get stepped on? At least those aren't corn oil railroad tankers he's chewing on!!!

"Peak OIL May Solve the Climate Change Problem without Regulation."

"Intuitively, anyone who recognizes the practical limitations on fossil energy supply knows emissions will not rise exponentially for another century, as portrayed by the IPCC and the US Global Climate Change Research Program (ref-1). The forecast growth rate in energy consumption—1.4% per year—is not very large, but compounded over a century it would suggest that by 2100 we would be consuming three times more energy than we consume today.

In the meantime, we will have consumed about 15 trillion barrels-of-oil-equivalent.
That is an astounding number considering we only have about 13 trillion barrels-equivalent in oil, gas, coal, oil sands, heavy oil and oil shale combined. And only a portion of this total, perhaps no more than one-third, can ultimately be recovered under reasonable economic conditions."

He believes that "oil is peaking about now," while gas and coal will do follow "within a couple of decades." He argues that "unrealistic" expectations of future fossil fuel energy supply are "but one glaring error in the climate change science."

"Rather than making the problem worse through regulation, political effort should be better spent on improving efficiency of energy use, and helping to ensure we have adequate domestic supply of fuels when the world-wide competition for dwindling supply begins in earnest. That time is not long from now."

See rest of article here:


*Thong: Something that barely hides . . .

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