Friday, June 19, 2009

CIE 30%

Central Indiana Ethanol (CIE), located in Marion, IN, is the third COES of the 5 COES that are currently completed.

On the CIE web site they have just linked to an article that reports about a local station that is cashing in on THE 30% secret. That little known secret is when you have about a 20-30% ethanol blend many experience a milage improvement - even better than straight gasoline. Hmmmm, wonder why they don't talk about that in the main stream press??

For those who are wondering, after a 10 month dry spell, making Ethanol is now very close to profitable again. The better run or better positioned Ethanol plants are already back in the black.

Now if we can just get the 10% blend to move to at least 15% soon.

In the meantime some auto makers tried to resist making flex fuel vehicles claiming the Ethanol E-85 pumps where not there to support them. At the same time others? were working to decertify the E-85 pumps as unsafe. Well against all these odds it appears that we are continuing to add E-85 pumps.


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