Tuesday, May 26, 2009

EPA to regulate livestock emissions

Brazil's Land Grab and EPA's Land Use
Ag policy people spent part of Thursday slugging it out together in the House Agriculture Committee hearing room talking about the flawed science behind indirect land use, questioning where this theory came from, denouncing the Environmental Protection Agency for trying to base policy on it and generally making the case to each other that the notion of using indirect land use to calculate the carbon emissions of U.S. biofuels is generally flawed.

Unfortunately, no one from the EPA testified, nor did anyone from the California Air Resources Board. These guys know their stuff. They have models. They can tell you, through these various models that it's ethanol's fault that the rain forests are being depleted.

After the hearing, though, an article from Brazil comes up on my Blackberry that blows the whole thing out of the water. Brazil's Congress is going to give away 247 million acres in the Amazon rain forest to 1.2 million people and numerous companies. The Reuters article stated the giveaway "could provoke a new wave of land-grabbing and deforestation, conservationists warn."

Yes, 247 million acres. That's more than the U.S. corn crop, soybean crop and wheat crop combined. Go ahead and throw in cotton too.

Please continue.

Rest Of Article and Headline Explained Here in last sentence:


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