Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Very Important Incentives

Here are some of the Green highlights of the stimulus bill NOW being debated in the Senate that may affect GreenShift in the near future:

$33 billion in green energy tax incentives will grow jobs in the renewable energy sector by encouraging private-sector investments in research and production of green energy with wind, biomass, hydropower, and other renewable sources.

$4.6 billion for Fossil Energy research and development. (Clean Coal Bioreactor?)

$10 billion is provided for new loan guarantees aimed at standard renewable projects such as wind or solar projects and for electricity transmission projects.

Approximately $21 billion in business tax relief and incentives will help businesses survive in growing markets, get financing for expansion, and get the money they need for payroll and expenses. Businesses will be able to more easily write off the cost of new equipment, write off more losses if they're hard hit economically, delay or reduce some tax payments, and cash in unused tax credits.

$5.4 billion in tax incentives for conservation and green energy use will encourage and reward energy efficiency and the building of alternative fueling stations, [E-85 and Biodiesel?]and facilitate the funding of conservation projects to improve America's energy independence and grow jobs in these sectors as well.

$730 million to stimulate lending to small businesses.

$2.6 billion for energy efficiency and renewable energy research.



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