Sunday, December 28, 2008

NextDiesel Tour - Excellent Adventures

The SkunK noted with both interest and envy this quote from Greg Barlage, the chief operating officer (CFO) of Green Shift:

"Busloads of people take tours of our plant,"

Well the SkunK found himself motivated to first confirm - and then find out the whos and whens. After all, was this merely a bus load of grey haired gamblers, hijacked on their way to an Indian Gaming Casino, abandoned on M-34 and forced to take refuge in the 30,000 square feet of the gleaming $20M NextDiesel Plant? Or were these planned events of purpose?

I can report that at least two busloads of people have taken planned tours of purpose of the NextDiesel plant:

September 18th, 2007
Detroit Area Clean Cities Coalition (DACCC) and the Greater Lansing Area Clean Cities coalition (GLACC) took a Bus tour of the plant.

August 11th, 2008
MSU Extension and the Lenawee Rural Land Use Committee organized an Agricultural and Land Use Bus Tour which included the NextDiesel Plant. The 42 participants included elected and appointed officials and other land use planners. A portion of the 42 was the Tecumseh and Clinton Township officials of Lenawee County. More than 90 percent of the attendees rated the organization, the tour, the keynote speaker and the presentation as ‘good’ or ‘excellent’. A similar percent indicated that the tour met their expectations.
SkunK Notes Below
The information that answered my questions is above. For those more detailed oriented - Here are some of SkunK's notes and the links will take you to my sources.
NextEnergy, based in Detroit, (NextDiesel name a play off of ?) is a major facilitator of alternative and clean energy entrepreneurship. Detroit Area Clean Cities Coalition (DACCC) is administered and managed by NextEnergy. DACCC and the Greater Lansing Area Clean Cities coalition (GLACC), co-organized a September 18 (2007) tour of the NextDiesel biodiesel production facility. This event had excellent attendance and highlighted the latest, state of the art biodiesel facility in Michigan. (compiled from articles below)

Clinton Township Lenawee County

August 11, 2008
Clinton Township Hall Regular Board Meeting

Reported on Thursday August 7, 2008 Michigan State University Extension Bus Ag & Land Use Tour of Len. County. Next Diesel Plant, Adrian, Bonner Hills, Tecumseh, Land Preservation Presentation, Glass Room Tec. Community Center, Applewood Orchards, Deerfield and Iott's Farm, Deerfield.


Tecumseh Township
Lenawee County Michigan

Trustee Lamb gave a report on the Agricultural and Land Use Tour which included stops at Nextdiesel - Biodiesel Plant in Adrian, Bonner Hills in Tecumseh, Applewood Orchards and Gary Iott's Farm of Deerfield.

Tour features sustainable agriculture and land use planning
MSU Extension and the Lenawee Rural Land Use Committee organized an Agricultural and Land Use Tour on August 7th . The tour was held in collaboration with the Farm Bureau and Conservation District of Lenawee County. The 42 participants included elected and appointed officials and other land use planners.
The tour was organized to educate participants about the importance of agriculture in Lenawee County’s economy and how land use planning tools can be used to prevent conflicts between agricultural and residential uses. The tour:
· Highlighted businesses that make a contribution to the local economy, like the NextDiesel Plant in Adrian
· Provided information about environmentally sustainable farming through the use of technology and best management practices, including education on the Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program, use of filter strips, wetland restoration, and wildlife habitat establishment at Applewood Orchards.
· Increased awareness of farmland and open space preservation through a presentation by the MSUE land use educator on purchase of development rights. · Demonstrated an innovative way of preserving open space during a tour of Bonner Hills, a residential development in a rural part of Tecumseh that is in harmony with the natural environment.


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