Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Corn oil extraction
Construction of the corn oil extraction system will begin this fall by GERS. Initial tie-ins are complete and this will allow the system to be brought online without any downtime in ethanol production.

(Mentioned p.1, 2 & 3 of June 2008 Newsletter)
Of all the formally named (8) COES this only leaves the Fulton, NY plant with no update on construction.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Left this on the yahoo board the other day. Nobody commented.

Well maybe not. But what this quote from the CEO of LACP demonstrates is that the current squeeze on crush spread is causing increased evaluation of value added processes and not less. There's also a nice little faq on food prices vs corn. Here's the quote regarding COES:

"As momentum to build new ethanol plants has decreased recently, there has been a shift in the focus from equipment
suppliers to provide value added process changes and technologies to existing plants like Dakota Ethanol. Many of the
proposals are centered around cost savings through increased energy efficiency which is timely based on current natural
gas pricing. Another area of interest involves increased revenues based on technologies aimed at increasing the value of our
co-products (corn oil extraction and dry fractionation to name a few). We are excited about these opportunities with plans
to evaluate and prioritize the alternatives as we strive to control input costs while maximizing the value from our output

Taken from:


Note also that even though they are a small independent operation they are still making money and paying dividends to their CO-OP farmer investors.

That of course doesn't say GERS is the one to execute it but I think it says there is continued if not increasing interest in COES among the dozens of independent ethanol producers.


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