Thursday, April 3, 2008

COES Spreadsheet.

Its not perfect but the COEs Spreadsheet is done for now. I am headed south - far below Kornfield Kounty for a couple weeks - I will stay connected - and should get some pictures of "some things"?? We will see how far the 1973 Chevy Vega will get. I hope the snow chains come off after the first day of driving.

I got the speadsheet on 68KB xl file - three pages. The first page is 8 COEs, the second page is a 12 COEs structure and the third page is 19 COEs and counting. All within the time frames and the YAGI debt agreement. I know this is just one part of the company - there is other revenue and other debt - but an elephant gets eaten one bite at a time.

The best part is you can customize it. All the figures in green are the Skunk's researched assumptions. But the bashers can dilute the whole thing into oblivion and say: "I told you so". The pumpers can put the price of Corn oil up to $100,000.00 a gallon and buy out Exxon. Or, like Skunk - you can update it as we get more information and use it as an investor's tool.

Put "COES" in the subject line and I will send it to you as an attachment. If you got feedback - be glad to accept that as payment - otherwise its free.


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