Thursday, April 2, 2020

Administration II

03/31/2020 174 CLERK'S OFFICE QUALITY CONTROL MESSAGE: re:attorney entry of appearance Docket No. [173], ERROR: The information listed on the Entry of Appearance for Stephen Underwood does not match the information listed on the attorney's user account. CORRECTION: Please promptly update to ensure the information with the PACER Service Center matches the Entry of Appearance. [683027] [JAB] [Entered: 03/31/2020 10:50 AM]


  1. Hi SkunK,

    Do you have any idea what the timeline is for this rehearing?

    Thank you for all of your hard work over the past decade plus!

  2. Fee Paid, Patent Will Officially Issue in 2-3 Weeks...

    Status Date:

    Publications -- Issue Fee Payment Received
    Application Type: Utility

    Application number 14661369
    Publication number 20150191675

    Issue Fee Payment Received (Amount paid $1,000)

    Good Luck To All!$!$

  3. So what happens when the USPTO says that you have a patent but the federal courts say you don’t. Who prevails?

  4. Until the USPTO has an independent enforcement arm and separate courts, the Federal Courts have the edge.

    Always remember, the best and the brightest Feral judges are at the FISA courts.

  5. So basically the patents are worthless. Millions spent on something that is now worth zero. Beautiful.

  6. Wait a minute? You're telling me this judge told us the PTO was lead astray and NOW the PTO said it's not so? Sounds like the no person to person spread lies we were fed by the WHO.

  7. anony 12:04 nothing worthless about new patents = new litigation


  8. Anony 12:30
    Really? Really? New patents = new litigation is supposed to get me excited? I’ve spent the last decade and about $30,000 watching this company “vigorously defend” their patents and you can see how that turned out. My investment of time and money is basically worthless. So excuse me if I don’t get excited about more of the same! Here is the proper equation: patents + litigation = $0

  9. Yea right? The PTO was decieved. Until they weren't. Just like masks shouldn't be worn in public. Until they should.
