Sunday, July 14, 2013

Small Slice of a Big Pizza

GreenShift has recently filed additional Patent Infringement Litigation against Pacific Ethanol, Inc.; Guardian Energy, LLC; and now Western New York Energy, LLC.  In each case the filing was done by local attorneys in local District Federal courts.  To some this suggested a falling out with our major patent attorney - to others this was par for the course.  The second opinion was that GreenShift had simply used local lawyers, officers in good standing with the local District Court, to begin initial filings.  This saves time, travel and money.

I submit the following related evidence in support of the second option.  It appears the relationship between GreenShift and their main Patent Law Firm remains strong. 

Here is ANOTHER GERS COES patent application - that as it approaches completion - is being transferred from the initial Patent Attorney to the main national patent attorney law firm: Cantor and Colburn LLP.

Power of Attorney recently withdrawn

Power of Attorney Accepted by Cantor and Colburn


What may be more significant than my offerings above is that GreenShift believes that this Patent Application is a tool worthy of our Blacksmith.  I do not see this being handed to Cantor and Colburn unless GreenShift thought it to be both:  1. Headed to allowance; and 2. A hammer that can forge and temper some red hot justice.


  1. Skunk -- bow in quiver? As a skunk you may want the bow in the quiver, but as an analogy I think that arrows would fit better.

  2. No hope left for Icm

  3. The noose is tight
    hands are bound
    the floor door opens today

    now he can watch what he built hang and rot away

    Rip ICM

  4. Skunk -- bow in quiver?

    Good Catch. I always have trouble cross decking metaphors from my skiff to my dinghy.

  5. All true in the LONG term. In the short term we now have multiple law firms that must be paid, with new retainers not covered by the $50,000/month agreement with C & C. In the short term more dilution.

  6. Unless they got more income than before, which seems likely.

  7. Wishful thinking that will be tested in a month when the Q2 is filed.


  9. contradictory thought processes emanating from falsehood = dumb ass

  10. That is why the price per share is 0.0016? All the falsehoods in the market place?

  11. Sunk -- Justice? You know better, these suits are never about justice. They are about money and satisfying legal jurisprudence. Someone's rights always gets trampled in this stampede. In this case we, the common shareholders are the likely victims.

  12. Yes, as I said above the market agrees and why this is selling for sub penny. Almost everyone but a few longs understands that they are going to be victimized. This fact has nothing to do with the lynching of ICM or the decapitation of PEIX or any of the other wrong doers. They will get their due, but we will not get ours. The tap dances on the graves of the wrong doers, the rejoicing over their pain will be all that we will recover from this "Justice". Enjoy.

  13. "All true in the LONG term. In the short term we now have multiple law firms that must be paid, with new retainers not covered by the $50,000/month agreement with C & C. In the short term more dilution."

    Right on schedule -- a dump to pay these bills and a new all-time low. Don't be too excited about the Q2!

  14. i have to wait for the reports to see how the company has done in the past and speculate about the future

  15. I am finally fully only goes down by huge amounts...I actually hate gers

  16. "Convertible preferred stock, $0.001 par value",

    From the 10K. We are entering sub par value range, expect an announcement soon of another reverse split to be executed by end of the year. There are significant penalties when selling price (price per share) is below the par value.

  17. You are kidding? That is like screaming with joy that ground is only eight feet away when the rope around your neck is a foot long!

  18. I just saw a description of GERS business: Litigation, patent filing, dilution, and non marketing of superior technology.

  19. dipchit donkey boy posting anony Icm basher

  20. $10 trade @ .001 get real

  21. You are going to be singing that song all the way down to 0.001 after the next reverse split. Not too many singing with you KK, maybe you need to find some more suckers, the current crew may no longer be buyers. What are you going to do for a business model when you can't sell shares? Work for a living?

  22. pps back up after $10 trade

  23. preferred stock doesn't trade

    common stock par value .0001

  24. spoken like a true Icm bashing nobody

  25. $10 trade! That was a 1.5 million share dump to generate $2K for filing fees. Wait until the cost of the new retainers hits the market.

  26. wrong again sucker $10 trade @ .001

  27. KK don't post here, he's too busy kicking your ass in court.

  28. Summary judgment motion tomorrow.

  29. Settlement conference in 7 days.

  30. GS signed another licensee on.
