Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Defendant's '037

See Here



  1. Having read the Defendents Response, I am going back to bed to rest awhile until Nobody tells me what to think. And how this is the Latest Disaster for GERS! DHOLE

  2. Once again the infringers would like to construe claim construction in their favor. They have not been too lucky with that so far and I am not sure it is going to start going their way now. I am sure the Greenshift legal team will have a great reply in due course as they have many times already.


  3. More of the same delay, delay, followed by more delay as we suffer dilution, dilution, followed by more dilution.

  4. joint investors? sloppy lawering

  5. cocentrated this stillage? their lawyers illiterate

  6. sounds like noboy wrote it

  7. The main question for common shareholders is how many zillion more shares will we have been diluted by the time money changes hands?

    There were many here that insisted two years ago that this current round of litigation would be over by October of last year. Well, that date has come and gone and there is no real endpoint on the horizon. Those that say there is may be the same who insisted two years ago that we would be done by now. Too much legal wrangling ahead. Remember, the underpinning of the court system is to prevent GERS from raising an army to attack ICM's army. In other words, it is a PROCESS to settle our differences and the process will always be served and JUSTICE as some here are calling for may be secondary. If a few hundred (or more) common shareholders of GERS lose their investment (through dilution, loss of usurped earnings, etc.) while the process is served that may be unjust to us but of no consequence to the courts.

    This assumption that the rights of the common shareholders will be preserved in the end is one of the concepts I include in the phrase "unrequited expectations". The inner circle's rights (through their preferred shares) will be preserved but not necessarily ours -- and that leads to the real question for us.


  9. Wrong "G", GPRE is GREEEEEEEN, not GERS.


  11. Any one thinking that since we are only a half cent away from an all time low (PPS) that our ship is going to sail soon, better take a good look at her name. It is not the good ship "GERSlander" but an incantation of the "Titanic".

  12. I think I have an old photograph of you, drilling holes in the hull of the titanic. Some people never change!

  13. nob0dy really scared bashing hard last few weeks, even called transfer agent, desperati0n....if 50 cent per p0st dont work wife back to bunny ranch.

    good luck all



  15. nob0dy really scared bashing hard last few weeks, even called transfer agent, desperati0n....if 50 cent per p0st dont work wife back to bunny ranch.

    good luck all


  16. wheres donkey boy hide when stock runs
