Thursday, December 8, 2011

Poet Insider Video

Here is a Poet Video about corn oil.

Insider Article

Note the "patented" no heat process is for ethanol production. 


  1. Sounds like infringement of GERS patents. Maybe they will license before being litigated. Maybe KK will cut them a deal if they agree to license all their plants.

  2. The Supreme Court sounds as if it is willing to listen arguments similar to what ICM has made so far as defendants in the COES litigation. This could be an absolute game changer for GERS. In any event it certainly may give ICM and other infringers additional hope and instill a greater sense that delay and settlement is not in their interest, read the whole article:

  3. From the article:

    "The case has been hailed as potentially precedent-setting by hospitals, medical researchers, pharmaceutical companies, software developers, inventors and intellectual property lawyers. Indeed, the breadth of the justices' questions suggested that the high court may take a broad look at how far companies and individuals can go to claim a medical or scientific concept."

  4. Bpx patented but corn oil patent rejected cause Gers owns it

  5. DID POET GET ITS PATENT APPROVED?Does it cover corn oil extraction?

  6. BPX is a Ethanol patent.

  7. medical patents wont give em any hope only thing related is corn oils good for hearts. nothing related to Gers. flootweg an Poet plus Icm argued they deserve patents an all rejected includes Poet

  8. no Poet didnt get approved it got rejected. ethanol brewing patent approved for not using heat thats it. Icm rejected to

  9. why would VaLerO get Icms rejected patents

  10. Who has a link about the rejected patents spoken of here? Thanks

  11. I think Valero has ICM Equipment for the process of making ethanol.When can we expect Poet to sign a license agreement? David said he felt their patent process to extract corn oil woild get rejected& he was right.GERS could double when Poet signs up.

  12. Jen,
    Go to the patent offfice website
    Enter Poet's application 12/208127Click on file wrapper.
    13 pages explain why all Poet's oil patent claims were rejected on 11-25-11.

    To view Icm's 9 page rejection letter, do the same for application13/105789. All claims rejected on 11-18-11.

    These aren't yet final rejections. But since the examiner will no longer even consider a majority of such claims, the patents are dead.

  13. Thanks Anony 12/9 6:12p


    Withdrawn from consideration 20-98 Allowed 0
    Rejected 1-19, 99, 100

    *Position: Chief inventor, Director of IP

    *Contact Poet's technology departmant to apply.

  15. Didn't POET used to advertise Voila as patent pending? Must be pending led to rejected and withdrawn from consideration.
    Now they say it's a derivitive of their Patented BPX Ethanol production process.
    Yet their backend method of extracting corn oil with a centrifuge is within the scope of GreenShifts patents.
    Maybe they will license before being litigated?

  16. POETs BPX patent is for Ethanol, it's not a Corn Oil Extraction patent. They have no patent and are extracting corn oil from the backend with systems that infringe GERS patents, because they are not licensed by GreenShift.

    That's my opinion on what's happening there.
    Same with ICMs rejected AOS patent and Valero except I don't think Valero has yet to commence production of corn oil.

  17. If POET and Valero could just see the light in the rejected patents and just license with GreenShift.

  18. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

  19. Does reverse slit mean anything to anyone? Or the fact that the stock continues to sink? Look up reverse stock splits. Almost always a sign of a dying company. Looks like investors with a clue know gs's me too patent what some else has done for 20us years jig is up. Hey at least you can write off those gs losses o er you taxes when gs goes belly up.
